Making popcorn fudge: recipe and tips

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caramel popcorn recipe

Ideal for movie nights or evenings out with friends, caramel popcorn is a delicious and easy-to-prepare snack. This gourmet recipe is relatively simple to make, requiring just a few ingredients: a little sugar, butter and popcorn.

However, the preparation of the caramel can be risky, without a good technique, the caramel may burn. 

So, for your next movie night, follow GrainPOP's advice, gather the ingredients and make a professional popcorn fudge !

-> ? Please see our article: How to make popcorn?

Ingredients needed for your popcorn fudge

To make a gourmet popcorn fudge, you will need: 

  • 200 g granulated sugar ;
  • 120 ml of water ;
  • 60 g of butter ;
  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt ;
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda ;
  • 250 g unsalted popcorn.

Preparation of the popcorn fudge

Steps to make popcorn fudge

  1. First, prepare your popcorn and set it aside.
  2. In a heavy-bottomed saucepan, combine the granulated sugar, water, butter and salt.
  3. Place the pan on a baking sheet over medium-high heat.
  4. Stir lightly to dissolve the sugar in the water, then stop stirring and let the mixture cook until it starts to boil.
  5. Reduce the heat to medium and let your mixture cook without touching it. As the water evaporates, it will begin to change color. Keep a close eye on the mixture to prevent the caramel from burning. If sugar crystals form around the edges of the pan, use a wet brush to remove them. 
  6. When your mixture reaches a dark caramel color, remove it from the heat and quickly stir in the baking soda.
  7. Pour your caramelover your popcorn and stir immediately to coat it completely.
  8. Spread the coated popcorn on a parchment-lined baking sheet and let cool completely before serving.

GrainPOP's suggestion: add roasted peanuts for extra flavor and texture.

Tips for a successful popcorn fudge!

For a perfectly made caramel, there are some mistakes to avoid.

  • It is necessary to use a thick-bottomed pan to prevent the caramel from burning: a stainless steel pan will do the trick.
  • Use a clean wooden spoon to stir the sugar and water mixture.
  • Avoid stirring the caramel once it has started to boil, as this can cause sugar crystals to form.
  • Add the baking soda quickly and stir immediately to incorporate it well: the baking soda helps the caramel air out and become crispier.

Add some fantasy to your caramel popcorn

Possible accompaniments

Caramel popcorn is a deliciously sweet and crunchy snack, but if you want to add an extra touch of flavor or texture, choose these few gourmet accompaniments:

  • Nuts: Roasted nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts, cashews or pecans add an extra crunchy texture and nutty flavor that pairs perfectly with the caramel;
  • Chocolate : add chocolate chips to caramel-covered popcorn for an extra touch of sweetness, or mix melted chocolate with caramel for an ultra-munchy snack;
  • Salt : sprinkle a pinch of sea salt on the caramel-coated popcorn for a balanced sweet and salty taste;
  • Spices: cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger or other spices added to your caramel bring a spicy and warm flavor;
  • Dried fruit: add raisins, dried cranberries or dried apple pieces for a touch of fruity sweetness;
  • Candy : Add crushed candy or treats for a colorful, gourmet snack.

It's easy to customize your caramel popcorn to your own taste and desires. Whether you prefer a sweet or savoury snack, the combinations are multiple and will all be delicious for a guaranteed success with all your guests.

Presentation ideas for a party

Add a touch of boldness to your caramel popcorn with a presentation worthy of the name! Create personalized bags with labels for each guest, filled with caramel popcorn for a little individual and personalized attention.

You can also fill small paper cones or caramel popcorn boxes and arrange them in a basket for a fun and easy-to-eat presentation.

For a rustic and elegant wrap, fill clear glass jars with caramel popcorn and place them on the table. Also, choose to add a touch of fun to your party by simply using brightly colored bowls.

To impress your friends in no time, discover also the gourmet flavors in our GrainPOP flavored popcorn bags to accompany you in all your parties!

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Pierrot Agency

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